👋 Hey,
I'm James Tsetsekas

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer specializing in building web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & PHP. I have strong experience with Front End Development Libraries like React, Vue, and Angular as well as Algorithms, Data Structures, Back End Development and APIs with Node.js. I am interested in teams valuing quality, clean code principles. In my free time I teach & mentor hundreds of students via coding communities and meetups.

profile of James Tsetsekas

About Me

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with Object Oriented Programming experience specializing in building web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & PHP. I have strong experience with Front End Development Libraries like React, Vue, and Angular as well as Algorithms, Data Structures, Back End Development and APIs with Node.js. I completed Scrimba’s Frontend Developer Bootcamp and Free Code Camp’s Front End Development Libraries, Back End Development, APIs, and JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures courses. I am interested in teams valuing quality, clean code principles. In my free time I teach & mentor hundreds of students via coding communities and meetups.

I have experience in development, leadership, and management. I started my career at the big four accounting firm KPMG working as a IT Engineer. Later I went on to be a System Administrator at the largest pharmaceutical company in the world Novartis. Immediately following that, I went on to accept a position as a Software Engineer at the world’s largest franchisor of residential real estate brokerages. I worked on LeadRouter a web-based real-estate listing sales lead tool. At Realogy I provided leadership as a subject matter expert on best practices and developed an Intranet for technical documentation of development tools and APIs. I was the Lead Developer at a large construction & real estate development company where I developed highly dynamic websites and applications for residential and commercial properties and leasing using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, Angular, custom WordPress PHP plugins, contact forms. I went on to work for an IT Managed Service Provider where I was a Full Stack Web Developer tasked with Developing responsive single page web applications and dashboards for mobile and desktop, APIs, system integrations and browser extensions, to optimize CRM workflows. using JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, Axios, React, CSS, Bootstrap and Chakra.

Currently I am a Full Stack Web Developer at OLM Foods where I work on RightBytes an E-Commerce Online Food Ordering platform including functionality for consumers, store admin, kiosks, thermal printing, and digital signage solutions for Web / iOS / Android applications. Mobile apps leverage both PHP & Node backend APIs. With Stripe and Paypal integrations for payments, and DoorDash integration or self managed solutions for deliveries. I also develop our WordPress WooCommerce B2B E-Commerce portal Used by thousands of users to order and manage products to sell in their stores, generate sales & traffic reporting, predictive analytics i.e. what to order & when to prepare it to maximize sales & minimize waste, with Custom PHP, Cron jobs, WordPress plugins, Themes, SAP, and Single sign-on Integrations.

When I’m not working, I focus on my hobbies which are: Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Attending and organizing coding / IT meetups, conferences and seminars, Real Estate, Finance, Travel, Skiing, Dogs, Building Computers & Servers, Self - Hosting Websites & Media Servers, and Reading one of my favorite books at the moment is The Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas

What I do

Full Stack Web Developer

I create responsive websites using HTML5, CSS, Javascript and the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) tech stacks additonally I love to work with Sanity, Wordpress, CakePHP, Laravel, Symfony, Angular, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Chakra UI, and Tailwinds.

Bitcoin enthusiast

I love learning & teaching others about Bitcoin. I enjoy contributing to many open source Bitcoin related projects, and organizing and attending Bitcoin meetups and conferences. I'm a Bitcoin âš¡Lightning Networkâš¡ Node Operator. Contact me to open a channel, get help with your node, or learn more about the lightning network.

Teacher & Mentor

I teach, mentor, provide coding reviews for hundreds of students via coding course communities and meetups.

Skills & Certifications

Scrimba Frontend Developer Bootcamp

Approximately 80+ hours of teacher-led group sessions and solo projects covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Responsive design, UI design, Git, peer code review, & mentoring.

FreeCodeCamp.org Front End Libraries Developer Certification

Approximately 300 hours of coursework covering how to create powerful Single Page Applications (SPAs) with React and Redux, and style them with Bootstrap and Sass.

FreeCodeCamp.org JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Developer Certification

Approximately 300 hours of coursework covering the fundamentals of JavaScript including variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions, & Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).


DiceLN - Lightning Network Dice Game

I created a Full Stack Web App Dice game that uses the Bitcoin Lightning Network for instant deposit / withdraw. The game is provably fair and can be played with any amount of satoshis and includes a chat. The game is built with Node.js, Express, Socket.IO, Axios, and LND, LNBits API. Contact for a demonstration, to play, or learn more about the lightning network! Currently Closed Source

RightBytes / DishPatch

I am the Lead developer on RightBytes an E-Commerce Online Food Ordering platform including functionality for consumers, store admin, kiosks, thermal printing, and digital signage solutions for Web / iOS / Android applications. Mobile apps leverage both PHP & Node backend APIs. With Stripe and Paypal integrations for payments, and DoorDash integration or self managed solutions for deliveries.

Jersey City Bitcoin

I am the founder of the Jesey City Bitcoin Meetup, a decentralized community for those interested in meeting up to discuss, and learn more about bitcoin in the Jersey City, New Jersey / New York area. You can be well versed or new, all are welcome. I created a blog for members to see upcoming events and contribute thoughtful discussions with the community.

Get in touch

Lets schedule a meeting, feel free to reach out directly by email at [email protected].

Email Me